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Published :3 October 2024

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Permissioned Blockchain


An Overview of Permissioned Blockchain

A permission blockchain is a new type of blockchain with its access limited to selected users or nodes. An extra degree of security is added to a blockchain by limiting access or designating authorized users. However, Osiz is the most noteworthy blockchain development company in the market offering exceptional solutions for various industries.

Administrators keep an access control layer in place so only identifiable individuals can perform certain actions. Who takes part in the transactions is tracked by the blockchain. In a permissioned blockchain network, the network administrator can manage who has access to what information. 

Difference Between Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchain


In Permissioned Blockchain: Administrators or owners make choices and grant access to users who can communicate with the network in a permissioned network. An organization or a single person can serve as the administrator. Decision-making in a permissioned network is controlled by predetermined rules or procedures.

In Permissionless Blockchain: Decisions in a permissionless network are often formed by a decentralized process wherein all users take part. That is to say that any given entity or person cannot dominate the decisions the network makes, and instead, every user should have an equal say regarding the decisions being made.


In Permissioned Blockchain: A permissioned blockchain determines the level of decentralization, which will depend on the decisions made by a network administrator. A network administrator usually oversees different components of the network. A permission blockchain network might well be fully centralized, with all nodes being managed by one central body.

In Permissionless Blockchains: However, they are frequently decentralized. As a result, a single entity can’t edit the ledger, shut down the network, or alter its protocols. There is a direct link between this and the consensus protocol. 


In Permissioned Blockchain: The intentions and specifications of the organization or network owners running the blockchain dictate the degree of transparency in a permissioned blockchain network. Certain permissioned blockchain networks might only be visible to particular parties, while others might be completely private and unreachable. 

In Permissionless Blockchains: However, users can access data, including transactional data, blocks, and the ledger, on a permissionless blockchain network. This level of transparency, which results from the absence of a single central authority controlling information flow, is a crucial feature of decentralized networks.

Various Types of Consensus Protocols 

1. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) Consensus

Byzantine state machine replication (SMR) that is feasible is what PBFT aims to provide, with the assistance of malicious nodes. In a permissioned blockchain system supporting PBFT, nodes are organized sequentially, with one node acting as the primary (leader node) and the others as secondary (or backup nodes).

2. Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA)

Each blockchain node in the Federated Consensus protocol trusts a group of nodes, or quorum, to assist them in reaching the consensus stage. To efficiently handle the task of receiving, holding, and filtering every transaction that occurs in the permissioned blockchain, the quorum employs a single block generator. 

3. Round Robin Consensus

Validators take part in the Round Robin Consensus by signing votes for blocks. The three main voting forms are commits, prevotes, and precommits. Receiving commits from a two-thirds majority of validators is defined as receiving commits from more than two-thirds of validators.

4. Raft

The idea that we may utilize the Paxos algorithm to identify a leader and obtain consensus in a distributed situation served as the inspiration for the core idea of Raft. It's interesting to observe that many proposers are discouraged from submitting proposals if there is a leader in the permissioned blockchain network.

Advantages of Utilizing Permissioned Blockchains

  • Access: Permissioned blockchains might be helpful for organizations that anticipate high levels of trust and security in their transactions.

  • Controlled Degree of Transparency: The controlled degree of transparency is one of the advantages of permissioned blockchains. 

  • Easy Customization: Permissioned blockchains also have the advantage of customization and can accomplish certain jobs since they are intended for specific purposes. 

  • Efficiency and Scalability: Scalability is a major advantage of permissioned blockchains. Typically, a permissioned blockchain network has a cap on the total number of nodes that can join.

  • Security of Sensitive Data: Since only a limited group of members can access the data, permissioned blockchain improves the security of sensitive data. 

  • Empowering Business: By enabling enterprises with a safe and open platform to undertake business activities, permissioned blockchains can potentially empower them. 

Steps to Create Permissioned Blockchains

Step 1: Create the Node Template

On your PC, open a terminal shell. Use the appropriate command to clone the node template repository. Navigate to the root of the node template directory and change it to the repository's working branch. Next, execute the command error-free to compile the node template. 

Step 2: Include the Pallet for Node Authorization

Before a new pallet can be utilized, there are a few things that need to be added to the configuration file that the compiler uses to generate the runtime binary. For Rust apps, the Cargo.toml file defines the configuration options and dependencies that determine what is compiled into the final binary. 

Step 3: Include a Regulation for Administration

You can configure the pallet to call the EnsureRootprivileged function using the Sudo pallet to mimic governance. By default, the node template includes the Sudo palette, which enables you to make calls using the root-level administrative account.

Step 4: Put the Config Characteristic into Practice

Every pallet has the Rust feature known as configuration. The pallet's parameters and type requirements are established by the Config trait. Most of the pallet-specific functionality needed to add a pallet is implemented using the Config trait. The implementation requirements for any pallet can be assessed using the source code or Rust documentation for that pallet. 

Step 5: Launch Network Nodes

With the node keys and peer identifiers for the preset accounts, additional nodes can now be permitted to join the permissioned network. In this course, you will launch four nodes. Blocks can be written and validated by any of the three nodes connected to pre-established accounts.

Why Choose Osiz for Blockchain Development?

Osiz is a foremost blockchain development company offering services to create legitimate permissioned blockchains effortlessly. At Osiz, we provide transparent and safe methods for overseeing and confirming transactions between reliable parties provided by permissioned blockchains. Permissioned blockchains preserve the integrity of the system while offering increased efficiency and privacy thanks to its centralized governance and access controls.

Many industries, including supply chain management, healthcare, and finance, are implementing the technology to save costs and streamline operations. A permissioned blockchain presents certain difficulties in the form of consensus and governance management, but overall, it is a promising solution for companies and organizations trying to improve their operations. We may anticipate even more innovation and adoption in the area of permissioned blockchains as technology develops and matures.

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Founder & CEO Osiz Technologies

Mr.Thangapandi, the founder and CEO of Osiz, is a pioneering figure in the field of blockchain technology. His deep understanding of both blockchain technology and user experience has led to the creation of innovative and successful blockchain solutions for businesses and startups, solidifying Osiz's reputation as a reliable service provider in the industry. Because of his unwavering quest for innovation, Mr.Thanga Pandi is well-positioned to be a thought leader and early adopter in the rapidly changing blockchain space. He keeps Osiz at the forefront of this exciting industry with his forward-thinking approach.

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