Published :26 November 2019

7 Hidden Secrets To Achieve Success In Business

7 Hidden Secrets To Achieve Success In Business

While having a thought to initiate a business, new business owners always kept rapid growth and instant brand identification as the primary goals for their mature venture. On the other hand, seeking success in the overnight is like seeking for some special sauce to add in the recipe for instant results, which will decay soon. The same exist for the instant success results.


“Don’t progress for instant results, progress for the constant results”. However, there are various of ways to ambit growth milestones that let business to success, here are some crucial things to elevate your business reach to the extent.

 1. Hire the Right People

Thinking for the business success ahead, hire the right people and ensure that your staff has the ability to aid you for the accomplishment of your business goals.

For picking the right staff, their knowledge alone is not sufficient, make a look on their attitudes, way of problem solving, patience, responses towards negativity. The successful game players never afraid to roll up their sleeves. Likewise, your staff should have a powerful wisdom to stay on all circumstances and patience in all consequences. Hiring the absolute best people is a surefire way to ensure fast growth. In short, the success of your business depends on all about having the right team.

Diamond Cuts Diamond

Figure out the staff and pick who not only has the knowledge to solve the problems, but also has an ability to create the problems. This is because, the one who has the ability of creating problems has twice that of ableness to solve it.

2. Target on Entrenched Revenue Sources

In spite of, trying to grab new customers, pay your attention towards your existing customers and let them know how important they are to you. Targeting existing customers becomes simple through the  implementation of customer loyalty program or utilizing the marketing strategies regarding previous purchase behaviors that encourages them for the business repeat. Besides, if you are trying to get funded, targeting specifically on an entrenched market is more vital. As a result, learn to emphasize that there is a large market for what we do. Hence, focusing on the established revenue sources, I.e. targeting the old customers remains better in results as per the well said ancient proverb OLD IS GOLD.

3. Diminish your Risks

Risk, a fateful part of initiating and enhancing a business. It is infeasible to control everything, but there exists plenty of ways for the limitation of internal and external threats to your company and its growth. One of the essence resources that aid you to accomplish this is your business insurance provider. 

It is advisable for the small businesses to negotiate their growth to prevent disruptions which let business to a rubbing halt. The occurrence of theft activities on customer records, employee data,  and product designs can destroy a small business, bring forth significant costs and decays customer confidence and loyalty. To mention, not all business owners’ upholds cyber losses and data breaches policies. It is advisable for the small businesses to seek insurance products that aid them to recover which comprise the cost of remediation and lawsuits. Prevention is better than cure, prevent your business with insurance policies before the occurrence of any disruptions.

4. Be Flexible

One common trait among successful startups is flexibility, which is the ableness to switch directions rapidly in regards to deviations in the market. It’s a warm advice for startups to undergo agile development process for both in terms of your product and your company which will let you to grow more rapidly.


Letting yourself to accommodate and deviate quickly furnish you an ability to attempt contrasting business approaches and pick out the best. Flexibility & Adaptability - grant you to fail, pick up back yourself  and keep going.

5. Have Look on Customer Experience


Customers' instinct towards your business has the power to make or break a business. Always deliver quality products, services and experiences to your customers, they mess on it and tell you to the world much more faster, praises you on social media and so on. Delight your current and potential customers and consider it as the biggest asset of your business that in parallel led you an extent business growth.

While in comparison with large companies, small businesses are adept, and much better in foresee and response towards their customers' requirements. The most booming small businesses utilize this perk, through delivering innovative products and services to the market that quickly develop and nurture long-term customer relationships, which will become an enterprise through this. Listening to your customers’ words and furnishing the best in what they want is furthest importance of any business.

CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, IF WRONG, READ THE SENTENCE AGAIN.  Always remember that you are here to serve the customers and boost their business which let them to believe you blind for all their business needs. To mention, this is the extreme victory for you.

6. Invest in Yourself

In your business early stage you will see lean profit margin or no profit at all. So, keep in mind that, any money you make must help you to go towards your business growth.

The ability of startups’ in investments for themselves let them to speed up their growth. Make sure in the early days of your business, that you are redirecting the revenues back to the company. To mention that, it's more crucial to invest early and heavily to grow quickly. 

7. Think Ahead

You can’t climb up without having ladder in your hand. Likewise, for a startup to become successful, agility is an important quality. Plan your next step which means seeking all possible scenarios for the successful business growth is the best way to stay grounded and secure as your business evolves. Set a plant pot in place, water it and watch its growth. When you experience the growth, it won't be that much more difficult to adjust, since the hard part is already done. Remember that, set a plant in a pot which let you to adjust its directions. Likewise, set your path towards your success, work for it and live in it. Keeping these facts in mind and transform your business to unbelievable heights.

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Founder & CEO Osiz Technologies

Mr. Thangapandi, the CEO of Osiz, has a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises. He brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects. The CEO, being an early adopter of new technology, said, \"I believe in the transformative power of AI to revolutionize industries and improve lives. My goal is to integrate AI in ways that not only enhance operational efficiency but also drive sustainable development and innovation.\" Proving his commitment, Mr. Thangapandi has built a dedicated team of AI experts proficient in coming up with innovative AI solutions and have successfully completed several AI projects across diverse sectors.

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