Published :19 July 2022
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Osiz Technologies Company Reviews and Testimonials

reviews about osiz technologies

Which would you believe more when considering buying a new product: a sales pitch or a customer review?

Did you know that 81% of customers use Google reviews to judge local businesses, according to research?

Consumers read reviews and testimonies to decide whether to believe a product, service or even a vendor. Let's examine the reasons for the ways in which customer reviews affect clients and companies of all sizes.

What is a customer review?

A customer's experience with the products or services offered by your business is reflected in a review. Reviews can be found on websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google Reviews.

Customers utilize customer reviews to learn how your product functions and whether it is pricey during the buying process.
Online reviews can be written by pretty much anyone, and they might mention your company favorably, unfavorably, or even make false claims about it.

Customers consider these reviews to be trustworthy sources of information as they are published on independent websites and come from real customers of your products. In fact, 49% of buyers say they trust internet evaluations just as much as personal recommendations since they are so useful.

What are the challenges faced by reviews?

The biggest challenge we run into is that the reviews placed on numerous websites like Google, Good Firms, and Trust pilot are not from our real consumers, with whom we do not communicate or threaten to withhold any money. Only satisfied customers who have used our products and services will post a clear reviews. These reviews include comprehensive profile information and thorough justifications of our products and services. False reviews are submitted by users who haven't actually used our products or services and who aren't very descriptive about their project descriptions.

The majority of our clients have gotten in touch with us directly, described their problems, and received prompt assistance from us. The major goal of the fake reviews is to bring down our business by harming its reputation, defaming its brand, and spreading false information about it. Therefore, as a result of these fake ratings, new users are considering working with us to launch a project. To prevent this confusion about negative reviews displaying in google, feel free to ask our team without any hesitation. We guide you launch your product and services.

How we handle that situation?

We firmly believe the below quotes- “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises.  He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.  He is not an interruption in our work – he is the purpose of it.  We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him.” 
Our primary goal is to establish ourselves as a top-tier global provider of IT services by offering an exact end-to-end business solution for the essential industries employing emerging technologies.

Customer complaints:

What is meant by Customer Complaints?

Every business will inevitably receive complaints. customers are more informed than they ever were. A large portion of consumers is computer-literate and aware of the ways they might express their dissatisfaction. As a result, companies spend millions on providing services to customers. But no matter how hard you try, you can never completely satisfy every single consumer every single time. The way a company handles consumer complaints affects its reputation.

What are the different types and how does Osiz respond to them?

1) Complaints based on misconceptions:

Misunderstandings are the result of poor communication. Misunderstandings inevitably occur when dealing with other people. A customer might interpret or misunderstand what you say. They could occasionally become angry and accuse you of lying.
However, we won't lose our cool in this situation; instead, we'll consult the specialists and find a solution. Even when it is clear that the consumer has been misunderstood, we are instructed to treat them with respect.

2) Delivery-related grievance:

This is an example of a common customer complaint regarding a company. Customers are irritated and complain when deliveries arrive later than expected.

Such issues can be solved by discussing the problems with the team and all the specifics of the product delivery. if there is indeed a problem with the product's arrival so that it can be fixed.

3) Complaint of Time-Waiting:

These are typical consumer complaints that are regularly voiced during calls or when a product is delivered too slowly. Customers dislike long wait periods as they think the service is ineffective. Everyone values their time and wants services right away.

We confront customers who complain about delays and offer our apologies. But it's only a short-term solution. In order to allay worries about wait times, we will plan and implement various ways after consulting with our team and management.

4) A top-notch client grievance:

Customers who contribute the most money to the company are good customers, also known as loyal customers. A company cannot afford to lose 
a good customer. In the past, you've had a lot of business from repeat customers who are generally happy with your services. However, there are times when these customers are also unsatisfied. Every company should give these customers' problems first priority.

By providing the proper resolution when they are unhappy with our services, we can keep these clients who previously interacted with us favorably. The customer support team will compile a list of consumers with the highest priority, according to the information the company gave us.

Business complaints:

What are the complaints in business?

When someone complains, it shows that they are not happy with the products in their immediate environment. He might grimace at things or express displeasure with certain products or services. There is nothing wrong with making a complaint, but how it is expressed is very important.

Types of complaints:

Justified complaint: A complaint is deemed to be justified when the complainant has a solid reason for doing so.

Unjustified Complaint: A complaint that is unjustified is one that is unwarranted or that lacks a basis for resolution.

Steps to file complaints:

The procedures listed below are frequently used to file complaints:

Direct call: Calling has the advantage of allowing the complainant to quickly receive a response that can assist in resolving the situation.

Email: One advantage of using email is that it can serve as documentation that a complaint about the issue was made.

Writing a Letter: In this situation, the complainant must properly address the letter in order for it to get to the department inside the company that deals with complaints.

Consumer boards and consumer complaints boards:

What are Consumer boards and consumer complaints boards?

Every business's customers are its most essential part and require more customers to succeed more successfully. Hence, we have a consumer board on our website. Consumer boards are online discussion forums where customers can submit their thoughts on certain products, services, or brands.

Why is it necessary to manage consumer complaint boards?

It is essential to retain a positive reputation as so many customers rely on consumer forums for open feedback. One comment is all it takes to influence a customer's decision to purchase a product. We make certain that the statements they read are complimentary of your business.

Some advantages of having a complaint board for firms include the following:

Every feedback a company receives must be carefully considered since it provides illuminating facts that could indicate a significant advancement for the company.

By examining the underlying factors, we use customer feedback to better understand what motivates customer loyalty.
A company must create a successful action plan to resolve the issues once it is aware of the feedback findings.

It's critical to share feedback with the customer service and support team after receiving it in order to find answers.

Final Thoughts:

We have searched the negative reviews about us and solved with the respective clients, so we can respond and take an action for negative reviews, But we have not to do any of much efforts for fake/scam reviews posted by competitors or anonymous users. Their actions seem to destroy our company brand reputation and makes our business down. 

So, we face many of business challenges and get success from these obstacles and still prove to our valuable clients, that we are trustworthy for delivering services.

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Founder & CEO Osiz Technologies

Mr. Thangapandi, the CEO of Osiz, has a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises. He brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects. The CEO, being an early adopter of new technology, said, \"I believe in the transformative power of AI to revolutionize industries and improve lives. My goal is to integrate AI in ways that not only enhance operational efficiency but also drive sustainable development and innovation.\" Proving his commitment, Mr. Thangapandi has built a dedicated team of AI experts proficient in coming up with innovative AI solutions and have successfully completed several AI projects across diverse sectors.

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