LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Coconuts

Published: 2024-09-20 06:07:54 pm

A serene area filled with coconut-laden palm trees awaits those who venture into LEGO Fortnite's Lost Isles update. While not particularly difficult to obtain, they can make a delicious treat to give you the edge when fleeing from perilous situations, such as a berserk Klombo or a marauding Brute.

While nowhere near as abundant as tomatoes are inland, the dangerous enemies of the Lost Isles you can encounter can make getting back to the safety of your home base a little more of a hassle. So if you want to stock up on Coconuts ahead of time, here is where you can find them in LEGO Fortnite and all the recipes.

Where to Find Coconuts in LEGO Fortnite

Coconuts live on palm trees in the LEGO Fortnite beach biome, which you should have little trouble finding as they grow along the coast. Just be careful as you approach any cluster of trees as there are insect nests nearby that erupt with spiders or explosive scorpions until it's destroyed.

Coconut trees can be chopped down with any axe, and doing so will see coconuts dropped that can be collected. They also occasionally appear in chests or as drop items from pirates, along with other food items, swords, and guns.

Tropical Smoothie Recipe in LEGO Fortnite

There aren't many recipes that can be made with the coconuts obtained from the beach, but one of them is an easy-to-make cocktail that includes bananas and pineapples that can help with stamina management. Here is everything you can make with the humble coconut:

Source: LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Coconuts

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