Metaverse News

Published: 2024-02-01 07:27:27
By 2035, India's metaverse and web3 markets will reach $200 billion

Web3 and Metaverse adoption in India will be driven by the retail sector with 37 percent and the financial services sector with 15 percent, according to the report.

It is expected that the Metaverse and Web3 market in India will grow by nearly 40% annually by 2035, with the potential to become a $200 billion industry.

Approximately $13 trillion will be generated by 2030 as a result of the metaverse globally. The international management consulting firm Arthur D. Little estimates that Web3 and Metaverse will contribute 8 percent of $160 trillion in global GDP by 2030.

By 2035, India's $200 billion Web3 and Metaverse potential must be realized by startups, investors, corporations, and the government working together.

Web3 and Metaverse technologies can be used to enhance retail and finance sectors with India's e-commerce penetration set to grow, according to the report.

Web3 and Metaverse adoption in India will be driven by the retail sector with 37 percent and the financial services sector with 15 percent, according to the report.

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